A Blog Pause for Book Work

Dear Ones:

Great news! Market Square Books will be publishing my work on small congregation advantages. It should be out in Spring 2023. 

But to finish the book, I need to pause the blog for the summer.

A not-so-sneaky preview?

The book teaches seven worship strengths not generally available to big settings. It’s designed to guide a conversation among clergy and laity. 

But there’s also a section written to the whole Church. Because small church issues are always Church issues. I hope my work makes clear why we need a different way of resourcing small congregations. Our current pattern makes big settings the measuring stick of success. Then offers a series of putty and paint fixes for imitating a model that never fit to begin with. 

We have better ways. Abundant, deeply-forming ways. Ways crafted from your distinctive strengths. Not built around your weaknesses. 

And because you’ve shared the work of this blog, several more projects have been sparked! Webinars. Continuing education classes. The release of several worship series. All specifically for small congregations. 

So stay tuned. Check out the blog archives. And please keep sending your ideas and stories. This is our work together.

Thanks for your ministries,
